Botswana Language
The official language of Botswana is English, which serves as the medium of instruction in schools, government institutions, and business settings. English is widely spoken and understood throughout the country, making it relatively easy for English-speaking visitors to communicate with locals.
Additionally, Setswana
Additionally, Setswana (also known as Tswana) is the national language of Botswana and is spoken by the majority of the population. Setswana is used in informal settings, among family and friends, and in traditional ceremonies. Learning a few basic phrases in Setswana can enhance your cultural experience and interactions with locals.
Here are some common Setswana phrases:
1. Dumela - Hello | Botswana
2. Dumela Rra in Botswana - Hello (to a man) in English
3. Dumela Mma - Hello (to a woman) in English
4. Kealeboga in Botswana
5. Le kae? - How are you? (informal)
6. Lae kae? - Where are you going?
Lae kae: "Lae kae" is a phrase in Setswana that is very similar to "Le kae." It translates to "Where are you going?" in English. It's a common greeting used when you encounter someone who appears to be on the move or when you're curious about someone's destination. It's a friendly and informal way to start a conversation and engage with someone you encounter while they're on the move.
7. Ke teng - I'm fine
8. Tsala - Goodbye
9. Ke a go rata - I love you
10. Robala sentle - Goodnight
11. Botswana Tour Activities
12. Botswana Dress Code
Botswana Electronic Visa
This is issued to people who intend to visit Botswana for recreational purposes, or for other short-term non work related purposes. This visa allows entry into Botswana for up to one (1) month and is extendable on justification. The applicant must not engage in any employment while on a tourism visa, or else the visa will be rendered invalid. Get Botswana Travel Visa